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Pamoja Session 10th Anniversary of the Ferguson Uprising – July 21, 2024

Pamoja Session 10th Anniversary of the Ferguson Uprising – July 21, 2024

Pamoja Session 10th Anniversary of the Ferguson Uprising – Sunday, July 21, 2024

Rowan Community Center – 1401 Rowan Center, St. Louis, MO, 63112

Free & Open to the Public

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Black Workers Matter! Workers Unite!

For the past six years, OBS has participated in the National Black Worker Center’s Black Labor Day. This year’s theme was “Show Me the Money!” We also endorsed its Black Workers Bill of Rights because Black workers matter.

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Community Rally to Re-Elect MO Congresswoman Cori Bush – July 20, 2024

Community Rally to Re-Elect MO Congresswoman Cori Bush – July 20, 2024

All hands and feet on board Community Rally to Re-Elect the First Black US Congresswoman of Missouri, Cori Bush – 1st Congressional District.

This historic event is coordinated by the Universal African Peoples Organization (UAPO) with support of the Organization for Black Struggle, Coalition of Black Trade Unionist, End Mass Incarceration, Homer G. Phillips Nurses Alumni Inc., Action Reunion 2024, Tauheed Youth Organization, Campaign for Human Dignity, Sabayet Community Center and Manasseh Ministry.

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Black Workers Matter! Workers Unite!

For the past six years, OBS has participated in the National Black Worker Center’s Black Labor Day. This year’s theme was “Show Me the Money!” We also endorsed its Black Workers Bill of Rights because Black workers matter.

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The Organization for Black Struggle Endorses Cori Bush for U.S. Congress

The Organization for Black Struggle Endorses Cori Bush for U.S. Congress

St. Louis. The Organization for Black Struggle (OBS) proudly endorses Congresswoman Cori Bush in her re-election to represent the 1st congressional district.

Time and time again, the Congresswoman has shown her compassion and commitment to the people of District CD-1. For carrying out her campaign promises, she has been targeted for attacks and slander by conservative forces who do not represent us.

Says OBS Executive Director Jamala Rogers, “We were disappointed that Wesley Bell has chosen to run against Cori Bush. We know that anyone has a right to run for public office, but it should be based on the incumbent not living up to their responsibilities to the constituents they vowed to serve. Cori has been an unwavering fighter and tireless servant for us, and we want to send her back to The People’s House.”

In addition to bringing billions of dollars home to the district to meet the challenging needs of St. Louis families, Cori has stood on principle in protecting reproductive and voting rights, in advocating for affordable and accessible housing and medical services, as well as standing up for the disenfranchised and marginalized citizens in this country.

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Organization for Black Struggle
P.O. Box 5277
St. Louis, MO 63115
(314) 367-5959 |