Month: January 2018
Palestinian Rosa Parks
“The real crime this 16-year-old Palestinian girl committed was resisting a hostile and racist
military occupation and its human rights violations, and having the temerity to challenge the toxic
masculinity of the Israeli military.”
Up with Radical Hope…
This is going to be the OBS rallying call as we stay optimistic in the face of ugly anti-Black attitudes and actions with our Freedom Movement. These two concepts came separately from OBS members Sistah Jennifer and Baba Kalimu. It made sense to put them together for the political grounding we’ll need in 2018.
Jamala to Speak at Women’s March
OBS is one of 36 local cosponsors of the 2nd Annual St. Louis Women’s March on January 20th. Sistahs Talkin’ Back will help to coordinate OBS’s participation. This is an event that we hope will go beyond mobilization in inspiring and organizing women to work together around an agenda that builds power and influence. Right now, we have the momentum to create change in our lives and in our communities!
Mumia needs our Support

LeftRoots Hangout
Join us for the next national LeftRoots HangOut!
Radical Black Feminism & Socialist Liberation: Organizers Revisit the Combahee River Collective Statement at 40 on January 17th, 5-6:30 PST / 7-8:30 CST / 8-9:30 EST